Comunicações CoreSense™

Communication, protection and diagnostics onboard. Introducing the industry’s first ever Copeland Scroll™ compressors with CoreSense™ Communications onboard. With this added feature, Copeland Scroll compressors can stream real-time diagnostics information on the compressor's operation to the system controller. By using the compressor as a sensor, valuable data from inside the system can be accessed and monitored in real time by the controller, improving performance and reliability � even proactively shutting down the compressor to prevent a catastrophic failure.

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Compressores compatíveis
Compressores Copeland Scroll integrados para aplicações comerciais
CA, HP 20-40, 11,1 EER @ ARI
Tensão de entrada
Modbus — Current, BACnet — Future


  • Diagnóstico e proteção
  • Fase em falta
  • Fase reversa
  • Proteção contra ciclo curto
  • Proteção de temperatura do motor
  • Histórico de falhas

Documentação e desenhos

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