Copeland Select Software

Copeland Select Software

Our leading selection software for making quick selections of compressors or refrigeration units that best match your needs 

Selection Software in a few points:

  • Work with compressors and refrigeration units
  • Ease of use
  • Multi-language capability
  • Ability to customize and retain settings
  • Reduce/eliminate printed data sheets
  • Multiple refrigerant selection completely integrated in the user interface
  • Automatic update option for software and database
  • Modular user interface, entirely customizable
  • Direct link to product spare parts

You can work with compressors or condensing units in the language of your choice - 15 are available. Custom settings enable you to quickly recall frequently used conditions and add your own contact and client details. 

Find the best match for your needs

Simply choose a tab to find compressors or condensing units, choose the families from which to make the selection, choose refrigerant and required capacity. Set your operating conditions to see the model which best matches your needs. 

Speed buttons are provided to pre-set to standard operating conditions and all data is instantly updated when the required operating conditions are edited. 

Click to continue reading Find the best match for your needs
Copeland Select Software

Download Select 8

Select 8 is the new generation of Copeland Europe's selection software; displaying a refreshed look and feel whilst retaining the features that make the software widely accepted.

New additions include:

Nothing to report.

Download Selection Software now and run the program to experience instant access to the compressor and refrigeration unit families. 

Current program version:   v. 8.27.2 (27/05/2024)
Current database version: v. 45439(27/05/2024)

In the “Download” tab, you can download the latest complete version of Select Software. 

To make the installation: 

  1. Click on the download link, and download the installation file into a temporary location on your hard disk. You can then work offline if you wish. 

  2. Instructions. Note that Select 8 requires .NET framework 4.6 (minimum) to work.  

Information about the definitions and user tools in Select can be found in the Help system, and should further questions arise please contact us at Your feedback is always welcome. Please send your comments and suggestions for improvements to us at the above email address. 

Select Software: also available as online version

An online version of Select 8 can also be accessed directly from the web. Online access guarantees that the very latest data is always at hand.

Click to continue reading Select Software: also available as online version
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