Stay top of mind with your customers

Showcase your company logo and contact information on thermostats, in the SensiTM app, and in email reports so your info is in sight right when your customers need you. Branding ensures that a company is memorable by embedding themselves in the customer’s minds. 

We offer both printed and digital branding for free with each thermostat purchase.

Digital branding applies only to Sensi Smart thermostats.

Click to continue reading Stay top of mind with your customers

Free Digital Branding

Sensi Smart thermostats increase customer touch points, keeping you connected to customers.

Contractor Branding app with Touch 2

In-thermostat Branding

Display your company name on the sleep screen with Sensi Touch and Sensi Touch 2 smart thermostats

In-app Branding

Customers can access your contact information with a simple click in the Sensi app 

In-email Branding

Customers receive Smart Alerts and service reminders via email, and your contact info is a click away 

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